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What motivated you to join this programme?
How do you currently approach your own growth and development in life?
What helps you stay grounded or aligned when you're navigating life?
What part of your inner being—your mindset, emotions, or identity—do you feel needs the most nurturing right now?
When it comes to reflecting on your life or actions, what helps you understand yourself better?
What kind of feedback or observations from others have you received that have made you think about yourself differently?
How do your past experiences shape the way you see yourself today?
How do you connect with your identity and culture as a source of strength in your life?
When you feel unsure or doubtful, what helps you reconnect with your inner strength, if anything?
What qualities do you notice in yourself that help you move through challenges?
What, if anything, feels like it's holding you back from where you'd like to be?
Are there areas of your life where you feel resistant to change or growth? If so, what might those be?
What challenges do you notice when it comes to focusing on your own growth or direction in life?
When you think about your future, what comes to mind in terms of the direction you want to head in?
What kind of long-term impact would you like to make, if any?
How do the things that matter most to you shape the way you move forward in life?
How do you approach making decisions that feel tika and pono to you?